Looking very much forward providing SBB with asset management services for their second investment in Denmark located at Skolevej 6 in Glostrup, Greater Copenhagen. The property were constructed in the period between 1902 and 1976 and comprises a GLA of 6,960 sqm leased out on along lease to the Municipality of Brøndby used for educational …
Author Archives: Jacob
SBB | RUBIK Properties | Nordic Investment Match
RUBIK Properties facilitates yet another “Nordic Investment Match” for SBB in respect of the acquisition of community serviced property located at Toldbodgade in Randers. SBB (Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB), a Swedish real estate company listed on Nasdaq First North Premier, has acquired their second community serviced property in Denmark with a long lease to a …
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AXA | RUBIK Properties | Nordic Investment Match
Pleased and grateful to announce that RUBIK Properties gained the trust as local advisor in respect of introducing and facilitating the residential portfolio acquisition in Copenhagen of EUR 174 m. to AXA Investment Management. The four-asset portfolio of 36,000 sq.m. comprises three newly built residential properties and one forward purchase. The four properties are all …
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SBB | RUBIK Properties | Nordic Investment Match
Full of appreciation and pleased that RUBIK Properties gained the trust as local partner from another international investor client in facilitating their first acquisition in Denmark. SBB (Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB), a Swedish real estate company listed on Nasdaq First North Premier, has acquired their first community serviced property in Denmark with a publicly financed …
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Amaliegade 30 | 1256 Copenhagen C
Pleased to announce that RUBIK Properties moves into their new premises in Frederikstaden at Amaliegade 30 as of May 1st 2019. [RUBIK Properties – an operating partner for international investors]
Mr. Peter Forster | RUBIK Properties | International Advisory Board
In RUBIK Properties we are proud and privileged that Mr. Peter Forster is taken out a position in the advisory board of RUBIK Properties as of April 1st 2019. Mr. Forsters unique international experience during the last 35 years including as PATRIZIA’s Country Head of Germany and several top positions among others with DEKA, Allianz …
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Danish newspaper “Børsen” (business and stock exchange content)
Thanks to the Danish newspaper “Børsen” (business and stock exchange content), for the attention and curiosity regarding the establishment of “RUBIK Properties”. [RUBIK Properties – an operating partner for international investors]